Friday, June 12, 2015

Dalton: Taking a Step in the Healthy Direction

Joy Organics

At some point in each of our lives we have been to that point where we just wanted to try to be more healthy. Whether that reason is your job, your family, your significant other or just for yourself... we've all been there. However, it is a time consuming, not to mention pricey, process to try and eat better. Especially when we live in the Land of Plenty. Pull out $5 at Taco Bell and you literally walk away with 1000+ calories. Don't believe me?

One Beefy Nacho Burrito = 470 Calories. Yup... (Source: My Fitness Pal App)

Mass production has caused the current "Have it Your Way" ordeal in which we find ourselves. It's cheaper, faster and easier than fighting the crowds at the grocery stores and facing the cleanup process at home after fixing a meal. The choice seems simple doesn't it? 

Then we start to notice that the washer must be shrinking our clothes. Our favorite jeans just don't fit like they used to, the buttons on our shirts seem to be pulling a bit tight and we never remembered the last time walking up a set of stairs winded us. 

Now, there is nothing wrong with fast food in moderation. I love jamming down on some Krystal Burgers, but fast, processed and sugary foods are an addicting thing... however, so are healthy foods. The feeling you get after eating it, the taste you experience while eating it and the peace of mind knowing that you're doing something good for yourself and the environment are a singular experience! I know, I know... what about the time, the clean up and the expense of keeping so much food around?

Good news... Here in Dalton, GA we are about to get that kind of healthy food with the service and convenience of fast food! From the masterful minds of Hollie Cope and Jennifer Grafe comes Joy Organics. 

So, you want to know how it works? Good! I caught up with Hollie for a chat about what you, the customer, can expect from them and this new venture in Downtown Dalton! 

Joy Organics believes in balance. We promote a variety of ways to enhance your nutritional uptake. Juicing is one of them. Raw, Pure, Organic juice from a variety of vegetables and fruits can allow for the most nutrient dense meals or supplements. 

I asked Hollie, "How are your juices meant to work? I mean, would you replace a meal with one of your 16oz. offerings?" 

Hollie: Substitute, Supplement & Saturate... that's our motto. We would encourage customers to replace a meal or highly-processed snack with one of our many juices. As far as supplementing goes, our juices have tons of extra vitamins and minerals to add to your existing diet. Plus when you drink juice you are saturating your body with all sorts of things that can aide in digestion and supply your body with antioxidants.

Me: Will you have any offerings for diabetic customers looking to imbue their bodies with this goodness?

Hollie: Absolutely! While not all sugar will be eliminated, that's impossible with fresh fruit, we have developed a line of juices that have a lower glycemic index for those that are required to watch their sugar intake.

Me: So, your entire line will be organic?

Hollie: Yes! We will be getting our produce exclusively from local farms and farmers.

Me: Really!? Which farms will be contributing?

Hollie: Let's see... there's: Rise 'n Shine Farm out of Calhoun. Luffman Gardens out of Ringgold. Beulah Farms out of Chatsworth (they have great eggs & honey). Then there is Clawson Farm right here in Dalton, GA.

Me: Can other farmers get in on your juicing business?

Hollie: Of course! As long as they can prove that their crops are being raised organically. No pesticides, artificial fertilizers and things like that.

Me: What about the time aspect? Won't it take a long time to press each bottle of juice while people wait?

Hollie: Not at all. We will have all juicing done in the morning before folks get there. That way all they have to do is tell us what flavor they want and then they can be on their way! We plan on doing the same with boxed lunches some time in the future. 

Me: How long of a shelf life can organic juice have?

Hollie: Our juices are all cold pressed, rendering the maximum nutritional value, and will last three days (refrigerated).

What else can we expect from Joy Organics in the future?

Moving forward Hollie stated that more than anything their shop will be used as a base for educating everyone about the benefits of the lifestyle which their store will espouse. This means workshops, both free and paid, that anyone and everyone may attend. They have teamed up, and will continue to team up, with local doctors and nutritionists to lead these workshops.

Hollie said that we can also look forward (around September) to their line of ready to go lunches. These will include their organic vegetables paired up with a variety of hot protein dips that could include things like cashew butter, hummus, baba ganoush and many others. The lineup is still in development at this point.  

This is the first time this kind of business has been seen in Dalton, and the buzz around it has been exciting to hear. This town is hungry (pardon the pun) for something exclusively healthy in their midst. It's only natural with all of the running/walking/biking trails housed in Whitfield County that we should have healthy food to go along with a healthy lifestyle! 

Both Hollie and Jennifer have a vested interest in educating everyone they come across on how juicing and living an organic lifestyle has helped them personally, and boosted their families' health as well! Their passion comes across instantly when the topic of healthy living is broached. Don't believe me? Well, come and ask them yourself at their grand opening!!! Show this new business some love and your support and they will show you how to achieve the healthy lifestyle you've been pondering. 

Grand Opening June 15th!!!

11AM-2PM & 5PM-7PM

For more information please visit:

Be sure to like them on Facebook as well: Joy Organics

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Did you know that it is National Tourism Week?

That's right! National Tourism Week started this last Saturday. Tourism (at least what we Daltonians consider tourism) is heading away from here towards the beaches, mountains, deserts or overseas. However, did you know that Dalton is a destination for some? I know, you're shocked. Well while you were busy telling someone that there is nothing to do here and that they're better off in Chattanooga the tourism industry in Dalton has been growing. Don't believe me? Let me dazzle you with some numbers!

The state of Georgia (alone) generated over $1.8 billion (with a b) in 2014. 
"Well, yeah," you say. "That's the state. They have Hotlanta, Savannah, Jekyll Island and the like." Well, little ol' Dalton generated $4.91 million, while Whitfield County generated $6.13 million in 2014. "How does this impact me," you say? Chew on this! When a visitor stays in the hallowed halls of one of our 1200+ hotel rooms they pay taxes, when they buy gas they pay taxes and when they eat here they pay taxes. Those taxes are counted as local taxes.

Still don't see it? Well, let me put it this way: All of those people that stayed here in 2014 saved EVERY SINGLE HOUSEHOLD in the County/City $313.81 in taxes you would have had to pay back in April of this year. 

Also, the tourism industry in little ol' Dalton accounts for 1,560 jobs. The money from those tourists go to those individuals who then turn and maybe buy a car, get a meal, buy groceries or some such. That's money from travelers helping out the local economy is what that is! 

2014 represented a historic fifth year of consecutive lodging tax growth. This represents a 5.6% growth over the previous year. 2015 will be no different it seems. Dalton is already ahead of last year by an unprecedented 12% growth in March. 

Here are just a few things that happened in Dalton last year that, at least in part, led to the increase for this year and last:

Renovations at the Tunnel Hill Heritage Center

The crew working on the Clisby Austin House (General Sherman's Atlanta Campaign Headquarters)

The repairs were paid for through a grant from the State of Georgia

County workers installing a brand new boardwalk for the Nature Trail

A Mommy Blogger and her son visiting the new Museum Exhibits

Tourists riding in comfort through the entire tour of the grounds

A group enjoys the finished Clisby Austin House

Several other things have been done to the county and the town that improve the visitor's experience. However, to see everything... you'll have to keep checking back on this blog! One day we might cover them all, but as fast as they are popping up it might be tough! Now, get out there and tell people something good!

***All of the numerical data was taken or calculated from the Smith Travel Report***

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Optimism on the Internet

Take a moment to ponder the following:

When was the last time you saw someone's newsfeed, Twitter or whathaveyou that was ALL positive? 

For the great majority of you I would say that doesn't happen very often. If you can rattle off several names, then I applaud you for keeping those people near. That being said, social media is becoming more and more like the News and less and less about sharing great things that are going on in our lives. 

Word of mouth is not very far off from this increasingly discouraging movement. Dalton, of all places, knows this struggle more than most. The New York Times called us a, "Mill town with three pawn shops and an espresso bar." The Times Free Press doesn't seem to want to post anything about Dalton unless a chemical plant explodes, unemployment rates are high (which they are recovering faster than the rest of Georgia right now, thank you very much!) or a crime has happened. However, there is a movement that was begun a few short weeks ago on Facebook. It's goal is very simply: 

One Degree Dalton is a movement committed to spreading good & unique messages about Dalton. One degree makes water boil, and can make our city shine.

Some of the following are things you might find on the page:

Click the link above for more info!
Chef and Owner Jesus Fraire has started a new pay it forward program from his delicious restaurant called Dat'z a Wrap. It is located inside of Walnut Square Mall. If you have yet to try it I must insist that you do not know what you are missing! If nothing else check out what this amazing restaurant, and equally amazing young man, is doing for our community!

"Pay It Forward" launching is this Friday April 17 @ 6pm located at Datz A Wrap in Walnut Square Mall! This program allows people who can't afford to have a sit down hot meal the opportunity to come in and be served by Jesus and his crew! They will receive a card of HOPE! Cards are given with each $5 dollar donation, and you can write your own message of hope to someone in need of a few inspiring words! As long as Cards our on the Board Jesus and his crew will serve those in need! All it takes is a $5 dollar donation to help those in need! Please help by making a small donation, simply sharing Jesus video, or talking to someone about the "Pay it Forward" program in our local community! Everyone is invited out to the launching Friday Night!


A new grant that got children iPads at City Park

Those are just a few of the dozens of stories that have come from people just like you, right here in Dalton! If you see something good, then post it to One Degree Dalton. Even if you don't want to post anything to the page, I encourage you to like and follow the page so that you can have just one more positive thing to look forward to each day! 

To start following One Degree Dalton please go to: Their Facebook Page

That's it for this week Dalton! Keep it Classy, and above all... Keep it Positive!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Western & Atlantic Railroad Tunnel

The Western & Atlantic Railroad Tunnel 

Construction began on the tunnel in 1848, during which the city of Tunnel Hill sprung up from people moving here to supply accommodations to the railway workers. The tunnel, which spans 1,477 feet, was dug through the base of Chetoogeta Mountain. FUN FACT: Construction began on both sides of the mountain simultaneously. Without the use of any sort of modern convenience, the tunnel workers met in the middle being on 1/4 of an inch off center! 

On May 9, 1850, the first Western and Atlantic train passed through the mountain tunnel and the new town of Atlanta became one of the railway’'s major hubs. 
The tunnel became part of several historical events during the Civil War. The most exciting of these events happens to be The Great Locomotive Chase.

Later on down the line (Ha! I punned) heavy railroad traffic and larger train cars getting stuck in the tunnel led to the building of a larger parallel tunnel, ending the use of the tunnel in 1928. The larger tunnel that was created in the 1920s is still in use and can be seen running parallel to the original W&A Tunnel.

The tunnel faced possible destruction from 70 years of neglect until, in 1992, steps were taken to preserve it. After a lengthy period of restoration and rehabilitation, the tunnel was opened to the public in 2000, just in time for its 150th anniversary.

The W&A Railroad Heritage Museum

The Heritage Center Museum is your starting place when visiting the Tunnel Hill Heritage Park.

  • Learn of the Clisby Austin family who settled the area.
  • Discover the steps to restoring one of the South's oldest railroad tunnels.
  • See how the American Civil War left its mark on Tunnel Hill following the Battle of Chickamauga and the planning of the Atlanta Campaign.
  • Reminisce on the historic Great Locomotive Chase that roared through the W&A tunnel.
  • Take a tour of the entire Heritage Park by limo golf cart!

Monday - Saturday  9:00am - 5:00pm
Tour Closed Sunday - Grounds Open During Daylight Hours

Great Locomotive Chase Tour             $6.00

Civil War                                                $6.00

Deluxe Tour (Both Above Tours)       $10.00

Group discounts for 20 or more:         $5.00

The Clisby Austin House

Built in 1848 by the house's namesake, Clisby Austin, the Clisby Austin house is a prime example of the antebellum style of housing.  It has experienced several interesting events since its construction, primarily during the Civil War. FUN FACT: It was one of the only multi-story houses in the area at the time and was originally known as Meadowlawn. 

The house served as a  hospital during the battle of Chickamauga.  It was here that Confederate General John Hood was sent to recuperate after the amputation of his leg, which accompanied him along his journey (so it could be buried with him in case he died).  The leg is buried near the house. FUN FACT: This isn't the an actual headstone, and the exact location of Hood's leg is debated among local historians. Trust me... just ask one if you've a few hours! 

The house also served as headquarters to William Sherman during the Battle of Dalton and it has been said that Sherman planned the final legs of the Atlanta Campaign here. He stood at that very kitchen table and pounded it saying, "I've go Joe Johnston dead!"

Clisby Austin sold the house and surrounding acreage during the war and moved his family back to the relative safety of East Tennessee. The Austin family cemetery is located on a hill across from the house.  Rebecca, mother of Clisby, has the only remaining headstone.  It is believed that as many as 17 family members are buried there.

Unfortunately the home has seen modernization, but has not been inhabited for many years, allowing it to slip into disrepair. Thanks to recent owners Kenneth and Barbara Holcomb, the structure has been restored to the property of the Tunnel Hill Heritage Center and today forms part of the Tunnel Hill historic district. In addition to enriching the area, the state of Georgia also issued a $30,000 grant to the museum in order to further restore this piece of local history to its former glory.

The Battle of Tunnel Hill Reenactment

The Annual War Between the States Battle Reenactment since 1993
Recreating the Battles and Skirmishes
In North West Georgia Beginning the 100 Days Fight to Atlanta and The Sea.

September 12-13, 2015

Admission is $10; kids 12 and under are free.
Reenactment, Museum, W & A Railroad Tunnel and Clisby Austin House are all included with admission.

Open 9:00am - 4:00pm; Battle begins at 2:00pm each day.

Come Visit

So, whether you're traveling, new to the area or have lived here you're whole life; there are new reasons to visit the Tunnel Hill Heritage Center! Join them on Facebook by clicking here or visit their website at .  It's getting beautiful outside so come out and just enjoy the Nature Trail that has recently been refurbished with a wooden walkway! 

See you at the Tunnel!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Get Outdoors Dalton!

(Trails and Such in Town!)

As the weather turns warmer, I thought it only proper that this article should reflect some of the outdoor places that Dalton has to offer (you know, should you want to get off that dreadmill and head outside). 

Places like Collegedale, Ooltewah and Chattanooga have all recently made pushes for their citizens to be able to have great places to walk/run/bike/hike and exercise in general. Dalton, as you may have noticed, has not made a push to create these sorts of things. 

Woah! Woah, wait! It's because they didn't have to. Dalton has had many of these things for years, and has improved upon the existing facilities. Not only that, they have indeed added a few new hiking trails and such. Let's see some of what there is here in Dalton!

The Civitan Park

Civitan Park is a 6 acre park located off Shugart road within the City Limits of Dalton.
The park could not have happened without the enormous generosity and effort of the Dalton Civitan Group. The park is maintained by the Dalton Parks and Recreation Department. 

505 Shugart Road
Dalton, GA 30721

Park amenities include:
  • Walking Track
  • Playground
  • Water Fountains
  • Picnic Shelter
  • Restrooms
  • Parking

Civitan Walking Track Information
  • Length: .4 Miles
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Open to: Foot Traffic
  • Surface: Paved

Potato Hill Park

See the undisturbed earthworks atop this anchor point that formed a part of the Confederate defensive line across Crow Valley. Comprised of artillery platforms and infantry entrenchments, this site under the overall command of Major General Carter Stevenson withstood spirited assaults from Brig. General Jacob Cox's Union division on May 9, 1864. 
However, if the history of it makes you yawn... it's one of the most enjoyable running trails that Whitfield County has to offer. It is a single track, switchback, trail that runs up the entire side of the hill and terminates at the top. It's a pretty sweet view at the top.

2261 Reed Rd.
Dalton, GA 30720

Park amenities include:

  • Single Track Hiking/Trail Run Trail
  • Picnic Shelter
  • Parking
  • Historic Feature

Lakeshore Park

Lakeshore park is a 45 acre property that has recently seen the above renovation. The addition of a turf soccer/American Football field and rubber track have been a tremendous boon to the community! Lakeshore Park was dedicated on June 14, 1975. The park was constructed with a grant from the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation which matched local funding.

1212 Dennard Drive
Dalton, GA 30721

Park amenities include:

  • Two Multi-Purpose Ball Fields
  • Artificial Soccer/Football Field 
  • Batting Cage
  • Playground
  • Open Green Space (Perfect for some Ultimate... just sayin')
  • Dog Park (Bark-in-the-Park) 
  • Picnic Shelters
  • Victory Garden Club Area
  • Spring Fed Pond
  • Nature Areas
  • Walking Track 
  • 14 Championship Tennis Courts
  • Restrooms
  • Tennis Center House
  • Full-Time Tennis Pro

Heritage Point Park

Quite possibly the crowning jewel to the parks here in Dalton! This park is laid out beautifully and holds the largest sporting events in North Georgia. Namely, the SPA World Championships every September. This event, alone, brings in over $1 Million to the community over three weeks of play. Now, to the park! It is a 300 acre property. Also, it's home to one of the most insane Disc Golf courses that I have ever chanced to play. Don't let that map up there fool you. It's a small workout just traversing this course. There is some pretty substantial elevation change! 

1275 Cross Plains Trail
Dalton, GA 30721

Park amenities include:

  • Ten (10) 310' Fence Softball/Baseball/Kickball (THATS RIGHT!) Complex
  • Concessions (During games/tournaments)
  • Restrooms
  • Staff Office
  • Two (2) Walking Tracks (.6 miles)
  • Rotary Pavillion with Stage and Seating for 500-700 (By Reservation Only) (To reserve call Jason Shattuck (706) 278-5404)
  • Two (2) Playgrounds
  • Open Green Space
  • 18 Hole Disc Golf
  • Picnic Areas w/ Grills
  • Parking for up to 1000

Raisin Woods Mountain Bike Park

New trails have recently been added to this park full of awesome mountain biking loops. There are seven separate loops. In increasing difficulty we have Bear, Grizzly, Whitey Woo, Gray Ghost Holler, Holey Coley, Rootie Tootie and Whitey Titey rounding things out as the most difficult. As is with so many things in life it is up to you to choose what level you'd like to tackle and take off! However, please be considerate out there. There are often a lot of green riders, so be sure to show them consideration and encouragement. You were once a beginner too! It is free to ride all you want, but please consider using the donation box to support our local chapter of SORBA (More info Here)

145 Raisin Way
Dalton, GA 30721

Park amenities include:

  • Seven (7) Courses for All Levels
  • Parking

Skate Park

Maybe you are more of an urban adventurer accustomed to four wheels instead of two? How about the only skatepark in the city? Come and shred where it is legal to do so. Parking lots are not the place to sharpen your skill, but the skatepark is!

904 Civic Drive
Dalton, GA 30721

Park amenities include:

  • 5,000 Square Feet
  • Ramps
  • Rails
  • Shaded Sitting Area

Mt. Rachel

Though it has not received funding, as of yet, there is another artillery emplacement on top of Mount Rachel that was in the same defensive line as the one mentioned in Potato Hill. It's not marked and is difficult to find. Now all it overlooks is K-Mart. However, there is still quite a view off to the west if you ascend to the summit of Mt. Rachel. So whether you're into hiking or mountain biking Mt. Rachel is for you. However, be careful on the bikes! There are some pretty nasty gravelled switchbacks that might toss the most advanced of riders... trust me.

West Park Street
Dalton, GA 30721

Park amenities include:

  • 1.6 Mile Hiking/Biking Trail
  • Sitting Areas Along the Path
  • Sheltered Picnic Areas
  • Bathrooms
  • Only 3 Parking Stalls
  • Located IN Downtown Dalton

Bear Creek Trail

Bear Creek Trail has a lot of biking and hiking options, making it difficult and confusing to describe. The trail is a single loop (Bear Creek Loop) with a 1.5 mile spur trail. If you hike or ride the spur trail it is 4 miles of the total trip length, including the balloon at the end of the spur. There is a second spur trail south of the junction of the loop connector. I recommend using the parking area off FS 241 to start your hike/ride.
I do, however, implore you to please visit the Gennett Poplar (The second largest tree in North Georgia). Take a cool picture of looking tiny next to the giant tree. Please, please, PLEASE just take photos and leave it alone. Too many people have defaced the tree. The woods around it are some of the very rare virgin forests that are left in Georgia. The forest on the trail is how it used to be before it was all cut down and grow up with underbrush.

For more info on the Bear Creek Trail Click HERE!

The Disney Trail (No... not that Disney)

This steep trail is the most challenging trail in NorthWest Georgia, and the most challenging short trail in the state. It ascends Rocky Face Mountain (yeah, that's where Rocky Face gets its name) and wa the site of fighting from May 8th-10th, 1864. The trail gets its name from the grave of George Disney at the end of the hike. 

It is located off of Highway 41, behind the State Patrol Barracks. 

Snorkeling (No... seriously.)

The Conasauga River is a unique place that supports an outstanding diversity of aquatic life. There is  at least one particular place where this can be witnessed by anyone with a mask and snorkel. The Conasauga River Viewing Site in Cherokee National Forest is a place designated for wildlife viewing by snorkeling. Over 70 species of fish have been identified in this snorkel hole over the years, which is an area smaller than a football field. In addition to being able to witness the underwater activities of many aquatic species, you can experience the beauty of the mountainous Cherokee National Forest that surrounds the river. 

Once again, a list of ten. Like last time, this is not ALL there is to do in Dalton. However, like the last post I am going to leave it up to you to look through the interwebs to find out the rest! If you have a favorite trail or activity in Dalton then please leave a comment. This, by no means, is the last post that will be done on all of the things to do in the great Dalton Out of Doors!

Now, put down, close or pocket your current electronic device and enjoy some sunshine and nature!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Top Ten Restaurants in Dalton, GA 2015

Top 10 Restaurants in Dalton, GA

(As noted by locals)

So, if TripAdvisor is to be believed, only four of our locals' top ten restaurants are in their (TripAdvisor) top ten list. The following list is comprised of restaurants that have withstood the test of time, are an instant favorite, endlessly work in the community to better the Dalton area or are just so delicious that Daltonians can't get enough! Please note: This list is in order of the requests we get from visitors based off of what our local "front line" (hotel staff, visitor information center staff, convention center staff etc.) have told them of "non-chain" restaurants. We simply took note that travellers asked for the following restaurants based off of local recommendation the most. If you don't see your favorite up there then engage a traveller and let them know what's great about Dalton! Well, let's not gild the lily further... shall we?

#1 The Oakwood Cafe


The Oakwood Cafe has been a Dalton staple since the 1940s. It was during the 1940s that the Oakwood Cafe (then already 30 years old) was bought by Johnny and Mary Metcalf and moved to its current location on Cuyler Street in downtown Dalton. While it is true that change is afoot in our great country, we like to think the Oakwood is a land that time has forgotten. For more than 60 years it has been serving up home cooked staples that nourish the body, invigorate the soul and served as a meeting place for those that wish to spread the good word of the day. Whether you've got a hankering for breakfast, lunch or dinner the Oakwood Cafe is the place to tuck in. 

201 W. Cuyler St.
Dalton, GA 30720
Open: Monday-Friday 6:30AM-8:30PM
           Saturday 7:30AM-8:00PM
           Sunday CLOSED
For more information, or to download their mouthwatering menu, visit: The Oakwood Website
Or follow them on Facebook: Oakwood Facebook

#2 The Dalton Depot Restaurant & Trackside Tavern

While the Dalton Depot might not be the oldest restaurant on this list, it is most certainly housed in the oldest building on this list! The restaurant was once a Western and Atlantic freight depot that played a huge part in both the industrialization of the area as well as the Civil War. Built in the fall of 1857, the Dalton Depot is one of the last few surviving brick depots in the Southern United States of America and has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1978. If eating in a place as dripping with history as this doesn't get your motor running... well buckle up. Upscale dining with a casual atmosphere is The Depot's motto, and that's just what they're all about. They offer over 50 items on their varied menu that ranges from Italian to American, wings to the 10oz Conductor's Filet and is the ONLY place in Dalton to get the famous Bison Burger. Join them in the Trackside Tavern for Trivia twice a week, live music and Karaoke. 

110 Depot St.
Dalton, GA 30720
Open: Monday-Wednesday 11:00AM-11:00PM
           Thursday 11:00AM-1:00AM
           Friday-Saturday 11:00AM-2:45AM
           Sunday CLOSED
For more information, or to download their delicious menu, visit: The Dalton Depot Website
To keep up with night and weekend events follow them on Facebook: The Dalton Depot Facebook

#3 Willie's Burger Shack

Yeah, that'll get your attention! That, right there, is Moriah Thick Cut bacon used exclusively at Willie's Burger Shack and Fish Fry, and can be added to anything. If someone forced me to say what the #1 cult restaurant following was in Dalton it would be Willie's. Burgers, subs, hot dogs, BBQ, shrimp baskets, fried whiting sandwiches, fried whiting plates, authentic Cuban Sandwiches and even vegetarian subs all served up inside that iconic brown paper bag with at least a pound of seasoned fries that will last you for DAYS! Do yourself a favor and check this place out fast, because the lines form quickly at Willie's. 

301 W. Emery St.
Dalton, GA 30720
Open: Monday-Saturday 10:30AM-9:00PM
           Sunday CLOSED
For more information, or to download Willie's diabolical menu, visit: The Willie's Website
You can also keep up with Willie's antics on Facebook: Willie's Facebook

#4 Hamilton's Food & Spirits

Located in Dalton's historic downtown district, Hamilton's affords their customers fine dining with a laid back feel. Hamilton's menu items have been carefully chosen and sourced to ensure the finest ingredients find their way onto your plate. They feature an extensive wine list as well as an impressive list of beers and cocktails. They also feature about 7 TVs so that you won't miss a moment of your favorite sports event. As far as unique dishes in Dalton, Hamilton's has it covered more than any other. 

243 N. Hamilton St.
Dalton, GA 30720
Open: Monday-Thursday 11:00AM-12:00AM
           Friday-Saturday 11:00AM-2:00AM
           Sunday CLOSED
For more information on Hamilton's, or to view their fine dining menu, visit: Hamilton's Website
Also, be sure to follow them on Facebook for info on Live Music: Hamilton's Facebook

#5 Buckin' Burrito

Come to Dalton and let us show you the best Buckin' Burrito you'll ever have! Why are they so good? Because you build your own. If it's bad, well, it's your fault for picking the wrong stuff to be rolled together! All ingredients are freshly cooked, chopped and packaged every single morning and ready to be consumed en masse. One of my favorite features is that they offer a tofu option that is really delicious. Not many places in Dalton take into consideration the diets of those that have gone vegetarian, paleo or gluten free quite like Buckin' Burrito has done. So come and build a Buckin' Burrito, I promise it's really Buckin' good!

212 N. Hamilton St.
Dalton, GA 30720
Open: Seven Days a Week! 11:00AM-9:00PM
For more information on Buckin' Burrito and their self made specialties visit: Their Buckin' Facebook

#6 Tony's Italian Restaurant

This is truly a little gem here in Dalton. Everything here is cooked to order. This means a piping hot and fresh meal every... single...time. Also, ALL of his ingredients are imported from Italy to ensure authenticity. Now, does this spell out a longer wait time for food? Maybe, but you're there to enjoy the company of family and friends and to gnosh some delicious grub! Does everything being imported make the price point higher... nope. Seriously, every single menu item is very reasonably priced and well worth the wait with some enjoyable company. 

933 Market St.
Dalton, GA 30720
Open: Monday CLOSED
           Tuesday-Friday 11:00AM-10:00PM
           Saturday 12:00PM-10:00PM
           Sunday 12:00PM-9:00PM
For more information on Tony's, and his authentic menu, visit: Tony's Facebook Page

#7 Miller Brothers Rib Shack

A quick word about the Brothers Miller... Their restaurant started up in 1982, but they have been slinging delicious Q from a smoker in their front yard for longer than that. It was a Saturday tradition for the brothers and they sold out EVERY Saturday. The next logical step was to make it official with a restaurant and BOOM Miller Brother's Rib Shack was born. I'm sure that wherever you're from your town touts the "Best BBQ in (insert name of state here)". Well, I don't aim to disappoint. We've got the best BBQ in Georgia right here in Dalton. I invite you to come by and tell me I'm wrong. Even if you say yours is better, I'll be willing to bet that you won't leave disappointed!

606 E. Morris St.
Dalton, GA 30720
Open: Monday-Wednesday 11:00AM-8:00PM
           Thursday-Saturday 11:00AM-9:00PM
           Sunday CLOSED
For more information on Miller Bros check their website: Miller Bros Website
To follow them on Social Media visit: Miller Bros Facebook

#8 Hamilton's Pizzeria 

You've been looking for some good 'za haven't you? (If you're from outside of the 80s that's a really obnoxious way to say pizza that no one uses anymore) Well, may I present to you the end of the rainbow. This is the same Hamilton's as mentioned in #4, they have now just expanded to brick oven pizza. What makes them any better than any other pizza? How about their same attention to detail, quality of ingredients and passion for delivering the most delicious dining experience possible! Pop in and give them a try for lunch or dinner. I like them to keep mine in the oven for a few more minutes for it to get nice and crispy! 

243 N. Hamilton St.
Dalton, GA 30720
Open: Monday-Thursday 11:00AM-12:00AM
           Friday-Saturday 11:00AM-2:00AM
           Sunday CLOSED
For more information on Hamilton's, or to view their pizza menu, visit: Hamilton's Website
Also, be sure to follow them on Facebook for info on Live Music: Hamilton's Facebook

#9 El Patron

El Patron is by far the newest of the restaurants on this list. However, due to its ideal location on Walton Avenue, and the immense size of the restaurant, it has quickly become a hotspot for both lunch and dinner crowds. Despite that fact, there is almost always immediate seating available and a really cool covered outdoor seating area outside of the bar.  The menu is nearly as large and varied as the building and the prices are ridiculously reasonable for the amount of food that is plated up for every customer. To be very honest, I wasn't very impressed the first time I went. The service was quite slow, but I was assured they were working on it. So, I tried it again and, indeed, their service was improving. Upon a third examination, during dinner, I was pleasantly surprised by the speed and accuracy with which I was served. Even though there are several Mexican restaurants in the area, I suggest trying this one out first. 

1205 W. Walnut Avenue
Dalton, GA 30720
For more information on El Patron give them a call: (706) 271-0005

#10 The Sweet Spot

Not technically a restaurant you say? Wrong! They serve soup and chili during the winter. In the spring, summer and fall they are too busy making all of the delicious variations of their frozen yogurt! If you've never been to a self-serve frozen yogurt establishment, do yourself a service and make The Sweet Spot the first one you visit. If that's not enough to peak your interest how about this... in addition to having hot fudge, caramel and a great topping bar they also have hot Nutella. Sometimes I just want to fill a cone up with that... Sorry, drooled on my keyboard. Anyhow, come out and cool off this spring!

336 S. Hamilton St.
Dalton, GA 30720
Open: Monday-Thursday 12:00PM-9:00PM
           Friday-Saturday 12:00PM-10:00PM
           Sunday 1:00PM-9:00PM
For more information on this sweet treat check out their website: The Sweet Spot Website
For extra info on daily specials check their Facebook: The Sweet Spot Facebook

So, if you find that you're tired of the fast food and chain restaurants, come on out of that McBubble and grab some unique Dalton Eats! These restaurants will be featured in the 2015 Dalton Visitor's Guide. If you would like to know more about the tourism industry in Dalton and how you can be a part of it please check out the Dalton Hospitality Association Facebook Page and message us: DHA Facebook.  

Please feel free to post any particularly tasty looking plates you get at these places and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!