Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Did you know that it is National Tourism Week?

That's right! National Tourism Week started this last Saturday. Tourism (at least what we Daltonians consider tourism) is heading away from here towards the beaches, mountains, deserts or overseas. However, did you know that Dalton is a destination for some? I know, you're shocked. Well while you were busy telling someone that there is nothing to do here and that they're better off in Chattanooga the tourism industry in Dalton has been growing. Don't believe me? Let me dazzle you with some numbers!

The state of Georgia (alone) generated over $1.8 billion (with a b) in 2014. 
"Well, yeah," you say. "That's the state. They have Hotlanta, Savannah, Jekyll Island and the like." Well, little ol' Dalton generated $4.91 million, while Whitfield County generated $6.13 million in 2014. "How does this impact me," you say? Chew on this! When a visitor stays in the hallowed halls of one of our 1200+ hotel rooms they pay taxes, when they buy gas they pay taxes and when they eat here they pay taxes. Those taxes are counted as local taxes.

Still don't see it? Well, let me put it this way: All of those people that stayed here in 2014 saved EVERY SINGLE HOUSEHOLD in the County/City $313.81 in taxes you would have had to pay back in April of this year. 

Also, the tourism industry in little ol' Dalton accounts for 1,560 jobs. The money from those tourists go to those individuals who then turn and maybe buy a car, get a meal, buy groceries or some such. That's money from travelers helping out the local economy is what that is! 

2014 represented a historic fifth year of consecutive lodging tax growth. This represents a 5.6% growth over the previous year. 2015 will be no different it seems. Dalton is already ahead of last year by an unprecedented 12% growth in March. 

Here are just a few things that happened in Dalton last year that, at least in part, led to the increase for this year and last:

Renovations at the Tunnel Hill Heritage Center

The crew working on the Clisby Austin House (General Sherman's Atlanta Campaign Headquarters)

The repairs were paid for through a grant from the State of Georgia

County workers installing a brand new boardwalk for the Nature Trail

A Mommy Blogger and her son visiting the new Museum Exhibits

Tourists riding in comfort through the entire tour of the grounds

A group enjoys the finished Clisby Austin House

Several other things have been done to the county and the town that improve the visitor's experience. However, to see everything... you'll have to keep checking back on this blog! One day we might cover them all, but as fast as they are popping up it might be tough! Now, get out there and tell people something good!

***All of the numerical data was taken or calculated from the Smith Travel Report***